CV em Português English CV

Daniel Caiado Sitnik

Date of Birth: Oct/08/1982

Nationality: Brazilian



UFSCar - Federal University of São Carlos - Brazil
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science
Start Date: March/2007   End Date: December/2010

UEL - Universidade Estadual de Londrina - Brazil
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
Start Date: March/2001   End Date: July/2005


University Extension Project - Brazilian Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management
Start Date: Dec/10/2008   End Date: Aug/30/2009
Responsible for creating the UML class model and the data model (Oracle and MySQL) of an application designed to track federal government employees and careers. Implemented part of the application using Java Server Faces and JPA technologies.

Virtual UFSCar - Distance Education
Start Date: May/01/2007   End Date: Sep/30/2008
Created a web application (PHP and MySQL) to support the activities of the University's Distance Education Courses. The application had around 400 users, maintained a record of the activities and grades for more than 2,000 students and generated reports on the students' accomplishments.


Undergraduate Research - IBM Rational Tools
Start Date: Aug/05/2009   End Date: Nov/30/2009
Studied IBM Rational RequisitePro and IBM Rational Software Architect tools. Created user and installation manuals to support professors and students of the Software Engineering courses of the Computer Science Department.


Reading: Fluent   Writing: Fluent   Conversation: Fluent

Reading: Basic   Writing: Basic   Conversation: Basic


ABREU-E-LIMA, D. P. M. ; MILL, D. ; LIMA, V. S. ; SITNIK, D. C. . AMBIENTE DE GERENCIAMENTO ADMINISTRATIVO E PEDAGÓGICO DE CURSOS A DISTÂNCIA: Uma proposta para a gestão e acompanhamento de desempenho de tutores e estudantes. In: 6o SENAED - Seminário Nacional ABED de Educação a Distância, 2008, Gramado - RS. Anais do ESUD - SENAED - 2008, 2008.

LOPES, Paulo da Costa ; MRTVI, Valdete de Oliveira ; SITNIK, Daniel Caiado ; WESTPHAL, Fernando Kaname . Função de Demanda Mercado: Uma proposta para utilização em jogos de empresas. In: ENEGEP - ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DA PRODUÇÃO, 2005, Porto Alegre - RS. Anais do ENEGEP 2005, 2005.